Arkansas is a constitutional carry state that allows the possession of firearms within its jurisdiction. It is also a shall-issue state for the gun license and if you meet all requirements for a license application, the state will issue it.

To purchase a firearm from private dealers in the state or from gun shows, you do not need to complete a background check or register the firearms. However, federally licensed dealers in the state are required by US gun laws to run a background check before selling a firearm.

Possession of Firearms in Arkansas

As long as you are eighteen years old or more, constitutional carry Arkansas will allow you open carry within the state without a gun license. According to gun laws in the state, your possession of a firearm will only become illegal if you have used it unlawfully against another person. There are places in Arkansas that are restricted to open carry according to the laws of the state.

Unlike most constitutional carry states, you can also conceal carry in Arkansas if you do not have a gun permit. The age limit for this is eighteen years old, and you must not have any prior prohibition against the possession of a firearm.

In Arkansas, it is illegal to borrow, rent, or give firearms to anyone that is less than eighteen without permission from parents or guardians. In case a minor is found with a firearm, the parent or guardian will be held responsible for the crime and dealt with according to the law of the state.

Failure of a parent or guardian to prevent an unlawful possession of a firearm, or reporting a minor that possesses a firearm unlawfully to a law enforcement agent will be charged with a misdemeanor crime.

Firearm possession in areas such as streams, forests, fields, or any other related part of the state will be seen as hunting. However, you are obligated to submit yourself for firearm inspection when stopped by a wildlife officer or anyone that has the right to enforce laws in game areas.

Places Where You Cannot Possess Firearms in Arkansas?

Arkansas gun laws restrict the possession of firearms in certain parts of the state. You cannot observe your constitutional carry rights in these places, and you may not carry a firearm even if you possess a gun license.

  • Except it is permitted by the school authority, concealed weapons should be kept away from the school premises
  • You can not possess firearms in Arkansas state highway buildings and transport departments. Exemptions to this include rest areas, parking garages, and stations
  • You can not possess firearms in prison or any other detention facility
  • You can not possess firearms in a courtroom and its premises
  • You can not possess firearms in any meeting venue for the gathering of a legislative body or government committees
  • You can not possess firearms on sports grounds in Arkansas universities
  • You can not possess firearms in the offices of Arkansas police and sheriffs
  • You can not possess firearms in any state facility or office
  • You can not possess firearms in sporting events that does not have to do with the use of guns or firearms. If it is a firearm event, then the holder must be a participant
  • You can not possess firearms in Areas strictly restricted for the consumption of alcohol and this includes beers and white wines
  • You can not possess firearms in an airport terminal, except the weapon is being transported legally. In this case, it must be unloaded and considered safe
  • You can not possess firearms on religious grounds, except it has been ordered by the person in charge
  • You can not possess firearms in buildings that have banned the possession of guns or firearms within their vicinity
  • You can not possess firearms in public gathering and parade exercise that have been approved by the government
  • You can not possess firearms in places where federal law prohibits the use of firearms.

Application of Gun Permit in Arkansas

Arkansas gun license is also known as a concealed carry permit. You must be at least twenty-one years old to apply for the license, except members of the military who can apply at a minimum of eighteen years old. Arkansas also requires that you complete a firearm training course prior to the application of your permit. The course must be a state-approved one and overseen by a certified instructor in the state.

Arkansas also has an enhanced gun license which is different from the regular ones. With an enhanced license, you will be able to carry your firearm in some restricted locations of the state such as bars, places of worship, schools, public areas, etc.

The firearm training course required for an enhanced gun license in Arkansas usually has more application requirements like an extensive firearm training requirement that involves more duration and gun expertise training.

Non-residents cannot apply for any of the state’s concealed carry licenses. But members of the military who are not originally residents of Arkansas and are stationed in the state for official duties can apply for the permit. Also, spouses of military members in the state are allowed to apply for an Arkansas gun permit.

Because of permitless carry in Arkansas, nonresidents do not need a gun license to possess firearms within Arkansas jurisdiction. However, a non-resident carrying a firearm in the state must be within the legal age and must not have any prohibition for the possession of firearms.

The Arkansas police department is in charge of issuing a gun permit to anyone that needs a concealed carry license. Your license will be valid for five years after the day you receive it.

As a concealed carry license holder in Arkansas, you are obligated to carry the license together with any of Arkansas’s valid means of identification whenever you concealed carry it. The license must be in a standard electronic format such as on a mobile phone or any other device that is capable of displaying the license details clearly.

The price of concealed carry licenses in Arkansas varies based on age. For the age range of 21-64, an Online application is $91.1 while a paper application is $88.25. For ages 64 and above, an Online application is $66.15 while a paper application is $63.25. Additional cost may also be included for fingerprints.

After the license validity period of 5 years, you have to undergo the renewal process. The online application for the renewal process is $52.50 while the paper application is $50.00. Both of these renewals contain fees, background checks and applications. There is a late renewal fee of $15 dollars for a period less than 6 months. If you do not renew your permit for more than 6 months, then you have to undergo conceal carry license application. all over again

Requirements to Apply for Arkansas Gun Permit?

Here are some of the requirements to be met before obtaining a gun permit in Arkansas.

  • You must be a legal resident and a citizen of the united states of America
  • You must be 21 years old or more. People below 21 years old must be a member of the armed forces and at least 18 years old.
  • You must be a resident of the state for at least a period of 90 days. Or a member of the united states armed force, or have a legal partner who is in the military actively.
  • You must not suffer from any physical or mental stability that will hinder the ability to handle a gun. Also, you must not have been a victim of any suicide attempt previously.
  • You must not have been previously convicted of a felony without getting a pardon and/or having the record expunged by a court of law
  • You must not be a victim of restriction of a firearm and/or other weapons by state law.
  • You must not be a victim of drug or alcohol abuse such that your mental abilities have been affected
  • You must be conversant and have read Arkansas concealed carry laws
  • You must not have been declared mentally incapable of handling a weapon
  • You must not have previously been associated with any mental institution, either voluntarily or involuntarily
  • You must not be a fugitive or someone who has an arrest warrant in his name.
  • You must have undergone CCW training from a recognized concealed carry class Arkansas
  • You must not have been convicted for any crime relating to the use of a CCW in 5 years
  • You must meet all federal CCW requirements

Is Constitutional Carry Permitted in Some Parts of Arkansas?

Arkansas gun law states that no county, local government, or political subdivision in the state is allowed to create ordinances laws, or regulations that will contradict gun laws of the state’s legislature.

The laws also further state that no county or municipality in the state may enact regulations concerning the transportation, purchase, sales, possession, ownership, and transfer of ammunition, firearms, and their components within the state, as opposed to state laws.

This implies that permitless carry in Arkansas is the same in every part of the state.

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